How we help

We help mainly by joining together for prayer, encouragement, input and sharing of resources. Below is what we have coming up (and also had recently).

In this season we're also helping those who are struggling with the possible direction of the Prayers of Love and Faith.

If you have questions on any of the above, please contact us on

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 16th July, and is a Zoom Prayer Meeting from 8pm to 9pm.

Sign up to W-DEF for more details.

Supporting one another

Being a faithful evangelical can be lonely.  Join us and we will get in contact and see if we can connect you with others for mutual encouragement.

2024 Programme

Tuesday 30th January 7pm for 7:30-9:00pm

Thursday 7th March Zoom prayer lunch, 12:30-1:30pm

Tuesday 11th June 7pm - 9pm. St Peter's Ipsley.
Evening gathering and Annual Meeting;
on "Encouraging Church Planting"
with Matt Beer from Telford Minster. 

Tuesday 16th July 8pm- 9pm Zoom prayer evening

Monday 7th October Christmas Evangelism Resourcing Evening

Thursday 14th November 12:30-1:30 Prayer lunch on Zoom

2025 Programme

Wednesday 5th February Evening meeting

Thursday 6th March Zoom prayer lunch, 12:30 - 1:30pm

Monday 9th June Annual General Meeting